Thursday, September 9, 2010

Temple of Porn

     This is a simple WC3 custom maze with a maze track and a check point. All you gotta do is to pass each level and reach the girls in the Temple of Porn! Warning: NSFW

Here are some things that you have to avoid. The sand is cursed and it will kill your knight if he steps on it. You sure want to get to those girls, huh?! Well there's no need to cheat. I'll tell you how to get there.

There are Soul Collectors roaming around in a significant pattern. Pay attention to their movements and you can outsmart this guys with ease.
There is a Goblin Merchant that sells good stuffs at affordable prices. Don't be fooled by that slogan. These goblins don't know how to sales talk.

Tasty Ham Dinner at 200 a piece it gives you 50 more HP. Now that's a mouthful!
Boots of Speed increases your movespeed.
Mechanical Critter summons a unit that can roam around freely. Its has a VIP pass.
Amulet of Swiftness at 800 gold its too expensive to get that Endurance Aura.
Sun Ring is the the most useful item in-game. It gives 150 hp and 75 mana, a brilliance aura and small hp/regen for the wearer!
Love Potion #9 its more expensive than a condom! it cost 1000 gold but it makes you invulnerable for 10 seconds.
Lucifer's Dagger of Escape its to expensive but comes in handy on difficult levels.

So start savin' your money.

Get at glimpse of the path your gonna take. The first two maze are the same. Avoid the blasts and stay away from the ghost. Its a piece of cake.
For the second path, you have to choose between the Green Guys or the Unholy Bookshelves. All of this leads to the same checkpoint. I suggest you pick the Draneis since its not to dense.
 Each time you finish a check point. All the towers stop attacking or die out. Just go to the warp area and skip the sand.

Before you continue to the third maze. You have to prepare yourself when the camera moves to the top. Its a birds eye view. The waves are synchronize. If its to difficult then use the dagger.
I would buy the dagger if I were you. This are is packed with Hammer Snowman and Soul Collectors. Act quick, don't waste your money for nothin'

Take refuge in the small area. Even if you use Love Potion stepping to the sand will send you back.
Cars follows the traffic lights. Step into the pavement to stop them on their tracks. Drink the potion and blink to the Temple of Porn! 


  1. Where is the download button? How do I download this map?

  2. Can we have the download link pls thank you

  3. Where to download
