Here are the lift of heroes affected Undying, Earthshaker, Bane Elemental, Tormented Soul, Lord of Avernus, Night Stalker, Lich, Pandaren Brewmaster, Prophet, Crystal Maiden, Lord of Olympia, Vengeful Spirit, Juggernaut, Shadow Shaman, Venomancer, Sand King, Demon Witch, Faceless Void, Doom Bringer, Goblin Techies, Queen of Pain, Spiritbreaker, Oblivion, Necrolyte, Moon Rider, Slayer, Butcher, Holy Knight, Witch Doctor, Twin Head Dragon, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Clockwerk Goblin, Axe, and Windrunner
[GOOD] Aghanims on Demand
Rigor makes the most use causing Echo Slam to deal twice the damage!
Balanar its a legal maphack! Go get it and own like hell!
Lich the bonus bounce makes the most out of his ulti. If you can't farm Guinsoo fast enough then get this after Mekasm.
Shendelzare Silkwood spell it right! She is one of the few heroes that make Aghanims look great! The 10 second swap cripples your enemies' movement and gives her mobility during team clash.
Yurnero with the recent buff on Omnislash. He can use items while moving so use Blink dagger to exploit this effect. It also has a fancy graphic. Get it if they don't have Ghost Scepter and look good while Bladestorming.
Lesale Deathbringer fast cooldown with poison effect? With these on mind, Venomancer can help win clash with ease. Though it won't be that good against tanks and BKBs.
Squee, Spleen and Spoon is right on track! At mid-late game techies use is to mine/ turtle the game. No need for doubts, improved range lowers the risk of direct attack and the damage is enough to kill creeps to ease the wave.
Lina Inverse fantastic! Unlike Lion, her spells are fast and cheap. Even if it leaves a visible trail when blinking. Her recently buffed Light-Array Strike comes fast enough to stun the chasers.
Chenis the Holy Knight holyshit a mobile fountain! Nerf plz.
Dazzle negative 30 armor with a 10 seconds cooldown ratio? Epic indeed.
Kael QWERTYASDFGHJZXCVBN you'll be pressing all the keys on the keyboard. It works great in the hands of a pro but until you memorize all the hotkeys. Your better of playing DotA OMG.
[OK] Fair enough
[GOOD] Aghanims on Demand
Rigor makes the most use causing Echo Slam to deal twice the damage!
Balanar its a legal maphack! Go get it and own like hell!
Lich the bonus bounce makes the most out of his ulti. If you can't farm Guinsoo fast enough then get this after Mekasm.
Shendelzare Silkwood spell it right! She is one of the few heroes that make Aghanims look great! The 10 second swap cripples your enemies' movement and gives her mobility during team clash.
Yurnero with the recent buff on Omnislash. He can use items while moving so use Blink dagger to exploit this effect. It also has a fancy graphic. Get it if they don't have Ghost Scepter and look good while Bladestorming.
Lesale Deathbringer fast cooldown with poison effect? With these on mind, Venomancer can help win clash with ease. Though it won't be that good against tanks and BKBs.
Squee, Spleen and Spoon is right on track! At mid-late game techies use is to mine/ turtle the game. No need for doubts, improved range lowers the risk of direct attack and the damage is enough to kill creeps to ease the wave.
Lina Inverse fantastic! Unlike Lion, her spells are fast and cheap. Even if it leaves a visible trail when blinking. Her recently buffed Light-Array Strike comes fast enough to stun the chasers.
Dazzle negative 30 armor with a 10 seconds cooldown ratio? Epic indeed.
Kael QWERTYASDFGHJZXCVBN you'll be pressing all the keys on the keyboard. It works great in the hands of a pro but until you memorize all the hotkeys. Your better of playing DotA OMG.
[OK] Fair enough
Atropos an easy to build item for him. The 10% mana drain comes in handy against support heroes
Rylai don't rush this on her. She need Dagger or Force Staff asap! Get this after you got the core items. Should be the least priority coz' you can't spam this without getting a perfect spot.
Rhasta meh! He got nerfed after losing the trapping-ward but everybody wants that glossy-voodoo-blings on his hands. If placed properly they can deal some serious damage.
Darkterror we all know what happens when you get stun one more second. Even though its a life-and-death situation getting damage is a lot better than this. Just enjoy the cooldown perks.
Lucifer if Radiance is too expensive and Bracers are to cheap then your gettin' Aghanims.
Rotun'jere not good but not bad either. It makes it easy for him to kill but be careful with Linkens and BKB. I almost forgot, it turns this reaper into a cottonbud. Just sayin'
Vol'jin when he was release his Ward can attack all heroes it can reach. If you can't get Dagon in 20 minutes then Death Ward can finish 'em for you. You won't be so happy when your getting stunned. So throw those flask and stun them first.
[BAD] Not a Chance
Dirge doesn't need it. The damage amplification is not good for him. His better off getting support items rather than this.
Leshrac needs to focus on mana regeneration. He can decently farm out creeps with all his skills.
Abaddon he is a tank in his own right. Getting Aghanims on him is cowardly! Instead get either a Vanguard or Blademail. Borrowed Time doesn't last longand you can heal yourself even when its level 1
Mangix not really worth leveling. He needs to get enough mana to spam Thunderclap with Blink.
Furion don't waste your gold with this item. Get damage and attackspeed instead.
Zeus look at me I got a freakin' static field on my axe! If you think like that then your playin' pubs. He needs more life and mana to spam Static Field close enough to affect the enemies. If he survives long enough he can kill them one by one.
Crixalis what a ripoff! Get Shivas and Dagger instead it deals more damage than this shit!
Lion the clear line between Lina and him is shown by Aghanims. Your wasting 4300 gold to get a visual piece-of-shit. His spells are too expensive and slow to be pleased with the 'bonus' stats.
Queen of Pain what the fuck are you thinking?! This bitch needs Necromicon and Guinsoo to secure her ganks. Aghanims leaves a distinctive trail on where you at. This is the time where you regret having flashy-effects on her. Spend your mana wisely.
Barathrum if your thinking of mobility then get movespeed, for damage get Armlet, for tanking get BKB but for pubs get Aghanims. He can get 522 MS using Euls, BoT and Yasha. There is so much delay with Spiritbreaker so just keep waking.
Pugna ironicaly, this can only work if your still alive after ganks. It looses the cooldown but when some aims you their stun you die.
Luna Moonfang is it just me or I'm the only one getting this on her? She needs to focus for on damage and speed instead of an easily counterable Eclipse. I gotta admit I like the fancy moon beams. I used this build against Anubarak when he can burn my mana 260 per cast. I won so I'm happy with it :)
Pudge if your getting this as your first item. You'll realize that half of the time your either losing kills or getting killed. Get more hp/regen. You'll recover a lot faster and Flesh Heap is now retroactive. It doesn't even lower the cooldown.
Jakiro lets see... waste 440 mana on a least accurate ultimate. T-UP for pubs.
Huskar is a lost concept. His ulti deals 65% of the current HP as magic damage. BKB, HoD and Satanic will eat you out.
Twin-Headed Dragon too hard to aim. Dualbreath and Liquid Fire cooldowns fast enough. Better buy Guinsoo, Shivas, Necrominicon but not this.
Rylai don't rush this on her. She need Dagger or Force Staff asap! Get this after you got the core items. Should be the least priority coz' you can't spam this without getting a perfect spot.
Rhasta meh! He got nerfed after losing the trapping-ward but everybody wants that glossy-voodoo-blings on his hands. If placed properly they can deal some serious damage.
Darkterror we all know what happens when you get stun one more second. Even though its a life-and-death situation getting damage is a lot better than this. Just enjoy the cooldown perks.
Lucifer if Radiance is too expensive and Bracers are to cheap then your gettin' Aghanims.
Rotun'jere not good but not bad either. It makes it easy for him to kill but be careful with Linkens and BKB. I almost forgot, it turns this reaper into a cottonbud. Just sayin'
Vol'jin when he was release his Ward can attack all heroes it can reach. If you can't get Dagon in 20 minutes then Death Ward can finish 'em for you. You won't be so happy when your getting stunned. So throw those flask and stun them first.
[BAD] Not a Chance
Leshrac needs to focus on mana regeneration. He can decently farm out creeps with all his skills.
Abaddon he is a tank in his own right. Getting Aghanims on him is cowardly! Instead get either a Vanguard or Blademail. Borrowed Time doesn't last longand you can heal yourself even when its level 1
Mangix not really worth leveling. He needs to get enough mana to spam Thunderclap with Blink.
Furion don't waste your gold with this item. Get damage and attackspeed instead.
Zeus look at me I got a freakin' static field on my axe! If you think like that then your playin' pubs. He needs more life and mana to spam Static Field close enough to affect the enemies. If he survives long enough he can kill them one by one.
Crixalis what a ripoff! Get Shivas and Dagger instead it deals more damage than this shit!
Lion the clear line between Lina and him is shown by Aghanims. Your wasting 4300 gold to get a visual piece-of-shit. His spells are too expensive and slow to be pleased with the 'bonus' stats.
Queen of Pain what the fuck are you thinking?! This bitch needs Necromicon and Guinsoo to secure her ganks. Aghanims leaves a distinctive trail on where you at. This is the time where you regret having flashy-effects on her. Spend your mana wisely.
Barathrum if your thinking of mobility then get movespeed, for damage get Armlet, for tanking get BKB but for pubs get Aghanims. He can get 522 MS using Euls, BoT and Yasha. There is so much delay with Spiritbreaker so just keep waking.
Pugna ironicaly, this can only work if your still alive after ganks. It looses the cooldown but when some aims you their stun you die.
Luna Moonfang is it just me or I'm the only one getting this on her? She needs to focus for on damage and speed instead of an easily counterable Eclipse. I gotta admit I like the fancy moon beams. I used this build against Anubarak when he can burn my mana 260 per cast. I won so I'm happy with it :)
Pudge if your getting this as your first item. You'll realize that half of the time your either losing kills or getting killed. Get more hp/regen. You'll recover a lot faster and Flesh Heap is now retroactive. It doesn't even lower the cooldown.
Jakiro lets see... waste 440 mana on a least accurate ultimate. T-UP for pubs.
Huskar is a lost concept. His ulti deals 65% of the current HP as magic damage. BKB, HoD and Satanic will eat you out.
Twin-Headed Dragon too hard to aim. Dualbreath and Liquid Fire cooldowns fast enough. Better buy Guinsoo, Shivas, Necrominicon but not this.
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