Sunday, September 26, 2010

GAMEBANE Player Roles (RPG)

GAMEBANE Player Roles


CARRY gamebane


  • Their role is to lead the team to victory. Fending off enemy attacks and kill enemy heroes fast. However, most players mistaken the carry’s role as an attacker but others can fairly carry the game. gamebane

For example, Demented Shaman is not meant to be an attacker but the has abilities that would help the entire team to win it. He can cripple an enemy and support allies with ease.

  • Approach tag-teams cautiously. Most carries can kill a hero one-by-one. If assisted, they can reverse the outcome at the enemies’ expense.
  • These heroes can secure and even out clashes, stop the enemy advances and push lanes faster. A good carry will win a clash and proceed throughout the game.
·        Most team allows the carry to farm and score out while they secure the game until such time a player reaches its final/aggressive form.


There are two (2) types of support.

They initiate ganks, stop the enemies from escaping or killing you. Abilities that can stun, silence, slow etc. are great disables. It gives you enough time to attack or counter the enemy tactics.
Other spells reduce damage, accuracy and restrict movement.
Disabler counters your enemies.

  1. ENABLER gamebane 
They got buffs and heal to assist you. Positive buffs like damage, armor or speed boost can help you outlast the enemy. There are plenty of auras that help boosts your stats. The buffs make you stronger and lower damage taken.
Enabler stops them from killing you.

Curse Grounds enables your team to kill them faster. Whilst, special abilities like Cold Snap stops the enemy on its tracks.

  • Support roles are the most important off all. Babysit a carry for lategame, guard lanes and outfarm the opposing team. Ward the jungle to search for farming heroes, alert allies or sneak behind them.
  • Backed up by auto-attack and nukes is an agonizing routine they have to face. gamebane

ADVANCER gamebane

  • They can push lanes faster than an average hero. They can tower dive and tank damage. Block creeps and let your team push. Heal allies or clear out poor defenses.

Naga Siren, Furion, Exalor, Warlock or Hellbringer, Defiler, Legionnaire, Soulstealer, Nymphora are some heroes that can push lanes faster. 


  • Also know as Spammers, deals the most damage in the game. They can easily farm up items! Built to search-and-destroy they spend most of the time ganking and roaming. They’re huge advantage early game results in an earlier push.
  • Although, not built for lategame. Nukers own the game pretty hard. Spammin’ so quick with huge damage. Clearing out an area is such a breeze! gamebane
  • Any hero that can deal 300-600 damage per spam; farms faster, lane better and kill heroes more often. Even without they’re ultimates!
  • Nukers have expensive mana cost. Instead of casting an ultimate why not spend you nukes to kill them? The mana you saved up might be enough to survive ganks or counterattack.

Popular picks include Zeus, Gnoll, Nevermore, Pyromancer, Witch Slayer and Pebbles just to name a few.

Note: This does not imply that a hero (or player) is fixed on a certain role. With the immense availability of in-game items, as well as you teams line-up. Synchronize and get your situational items. It’s a lot easier to win if you can take advantage of your enemies’ weakness. gamebane

Pre-select and assess what your team lacks, counter the enemies’ advantage and pick the hero you can confidently use. There are times when the team would pick a detector against stealth, silence for spammers, babysitter carries, or disable tanks.

Pick wisely and have fun! Remember you play as a TEAM! gamebane  

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