Sunday, September 26, 2010

GAMEBANE Items Changes in HON

S2 Gaming has introduced a fair number of changes to its predecessor. Other than a new set of heroes, its jam-packed with a nice set of alternatives covering the little gaps in DotA.

Lets start with…

Improved Items:


This item acts the same way as Soul Ring. It sacrifices 150 hp for mana but the Blood Chalice will drain 15 mana per second.
Unlike the Soul Ring, the Chalice has a bad side effect. Especially, when you are stunned or silenced during the effect. It’s a nerf!

Triva: Back in the old ages of DotA, Soul Ring acts as a mini-perseverance.


It has a definitive icon in the mini-map. So you won’t loose track of it. The sad thing is, it does not change its form. We can change…we should!




Its serves the same purpose as Yasha in DotA. It was named Slash during the beta days but got a make over when Frostbrand was added to Frostwulf Skull.
It also had a mix-up stat like +6 str and +10 agi. They reverted it back to pure Agi.

Evolved Concept:


This is Sange in DotA. Its a lot better because not all strength heroes attack fast enough to trigger the slow when its needed. It also allowed Frostwulf Skull to be more thematic! On beta days it was named Hack.




Removing the recipe from DotA was a smart move because the idea is to be a dual-wielded-sword of speed and slow.
It was called Hack-and-Slash. It had a unique recipe stat that I liked. Sadly, they retained the previous effect. It was an expensive item because of the recipe that cost 800-900 gold until it dropped down to 750. The item took a lot of time before it became useful. 
These swords were designed to cover the distance between melee and range.


This item existed when most intel heroes would get another Soulbooster after Aghanims Scepter (the old recipe Staff+Booster) and after sometime contemplating on the effects. It was poised to be an expensive attribute bonus!
Let me lay down the facts that led to its creation:

·        There are a lot of players getting Soulbooster
·        As a compounded item, it saved 2-3 slots from Nulls and Bracers
·        A lot of intel heroes have little to no HP. This difference can be observed at how fast your hero can die at the tower.
·        Often times, Intel/nukers despite being a great killer die pretty fast. The bonus heal compensates the team’s lost.
·        It also had an added effect of gaining vision and EXP.
·        The EXP gain was meant to help gankers cope up the gap between laning and roaming.
·        The bonus stat also benefited turtlers like Goblin Techies in DotA
·        The bonuses where good when you die with scrutiny

Lanes are left open for carries to fatten up and babysit them until they are good enough for clash.

Since it made most intel tanks. It takes half the number of charges and lowered its stats effect. From 1 charge per death.
Thanks to HON’s custom engine. It can add +25 HP and +0.25 hp/regen and +100% mana regene per charge.


Don’t be confused by the name. Its actually Force Staff in DotA. However, it requires an item called Major Totem not Steam Staff. 
Nice change for non-intels who find it useful. gamebane




It is by far the most effective item in game! The attributes of Heart of Tarrasque was to heal 2% of your max hp. That is, if your not attacked by player.
Other than the base 40 str and 300 hp boost. The Behemoth will give its effect depending on the heroes’ main stat.

  • Strength heroes get 0.75% of their max hp as regeneration
  • Agility heroes increase all their damage by 10%
  • Intelligence heroes increase cast speed and lowers cooldown by 15%

What an offer! It’s a must have for strength, optional for agi and situational for ints. Gamebane


It’s the Eye of Skadi in DotA. This is the worst item available! It has +25 all stats, 200 hp and 150 mana and a Frost attack at slows down enemies.
I consider it the worst item hence its not that powerful early or late game. The slow effect is not a choice for melee heroes because there is Frostbrand and the component are a jungle of ideas!
DotA included an item Orb of Poison (6.68) to its recipe making it more expensive than before! If that wasn’t enough listen to what HON did to this trainwreck.

  • It used to have the same 2 Orbs, Glowstone and a recipe in its components but shortly after this Hack became Frostbrand.
  • The mini Frostwulf is now popular amongst dps (killer) heroes
  • So instead of making the expensive 6300 item they opted for the easier and more useful F-and-F
  • The Frostbrand + Orb + Glowstone + Recipe is to abstract!
  • It is even ‘upgradable’
  • The cheap upgrade only gives minor stats. Ridiculous!

The slow effect favors melee but its not worth the price! The frost can be countered by jukespots. Heck, even the Frost armor works better than this!
There are far better orb-effects other than this. If you see this item that means the team is crappy enough to let you fool around flashin’ it.
It does stack with targeted spells.

The lackluster of the pack… HON is having a burn-out.
We should give them a break. Besides this is the only thing I found crappy. Lets wait and see.
Original Content:


This is a defensive type of boot. The damage reduction only works on non-hero allied units. It’s a good alternative for pusher or heroes with low defense.

Back in the Beta days, this use to wreak havoc on DPS heroes and made Armaddon and Zephyr untouchable.


Nukers and Spammers would love to have an ally with it! It’s the intel version of Vladmir’s Offering. It gives +14 int, +4 to agility and strength. Gives more armor and a 100% mana regeneration aura! The 25% of the initial mana cost heals the caster.

Sonic Scream cost 140 mana and 35 is the amount healed.

On full health, it will create a damage shield that lasts for 6 seconds. I highly recommend it for heroes who spam a lot. Ironically, its not listed as a recommented item in the shop’s list?!


This item made magic more dangerous. Acolyte’s Staff, Great Arcana and its recipe forms Harkon’s Blade! The cutting edge of intel heroes. 
It’s recommended for attackers like Puppet Master, Pyromancer, Plague Rider but not for Vindicator or melee ints. That if you have no orb-effects on your build.

  • When activated, it turns your attack into magic damage. It lowers the target’s magic resistance on each attack for 6 seconds.
  • You can attack heroes with Void Talisman
  • Creeps take full damage from magic. Good item for farming.
  • Damage improved depending on your base damage.
  • It deals more damage with Critical Strike, MKB and Thunderclaw
  • Its debatable whether it is affected by Shield Breaker
  • Heroes have 25% magic resistance gamebane
  • Doesn’t work against magic immune units
  • Its less effective on magic resistant heroes like Aracna and Barrier Doll absorbs 400 magic damage
  • Not recommended for heroes with low damage, magically resistant enemies and orb-effects.

It an awesome item but you might be wasting a lot of money, so keep it real.

They added a neat visual for refresher and display the items cooldown. It’s a lot easier to navigate the items. Once your use to it you’ll be playin’ game after game.

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