Heroes of Newerth (HON) ported Defense of the Ancients (DotA) concepts into a new gaming engine. The creators of HON are fans of DotA.
Improvements made by HON:
1. From Sentinel/Scourge to Legion/Hellbourne
2. HoN's interface shows the movespeed, regeneration rate, damage, armor and stat growth.
3. It also allows the user to switch Orb Effect (on the leftside)
4. It shows the total AoE and allows uses to control direction (for Zephyr & Chipper)
5. It can stack properly (like Wards/Flurry) and shows the cd timer.
6. The ability effect spreads to all target (Slow, Armor Reduction)
7. They have an interlinked Item System.
8. Items can be refunded within 15 seconds.
9. Unlike in DotA; Devourer and Andromeda can use Portal Key
10. Aura Spells can be toggled on/off
11. Certain items have change (their is no Crystalys but Riftshards can be upgraded)
12. You can see how much gold your ally has gained
Hero differences from DotA:
CHRONOS His Time Leap can deal minor damage slowing nearby enemies. He can heal a portion of his Max HP instead of blocking damage. The Curse of Ages steals agility from enemy heroes and stuns them after 5 hits. The stun shares the same cooldown with bashers. Chronofield stops all enemy movement while the Scepter allows allies to move away.
CORRUPTED DISCIPLE His concept was better than Razor from DotA. They even ported Overload as Aghanims Effect.
MAGEBANE teleporting will add magic resistance to allies. Magebane has more resistance and increased duration. The aura damages enemy heroes depending on mana cost like Nether Ward.
MOONQUEEN sounds like a midget but her Moon Glaive works well with orb-effects. If toggled, the bounces will seek enemy heroes only. While Lunar Glow grants bonus vision in the night.
NIGHTHOUND does not loose invisibility when silenced.
SLITHER spits acid at a longer range but the slow will lose its effect after 6 seconds while poison still remains. He can stack upto 3 Plague Wards controling the lane with ease. The wards can slow their target. If used with Toxicity, the slow reaches to 20% (+50% with Poison Spray).
SWIFTBLADE has no healing ward. Instead he can counter attack enemy heroes by chance. Level 4 Blade Frenzy allows him to attack with 50% less aspd.
BLACKSMITH his Flaming Hammer slows movespeed, lower magic resistance (decreasing per second) and deals minor damage overtime. Frenzy increases movement, attack and casting speed.
GLACIUS Ice Prison works the same on enemies but reduces damage taken for allies. Works great with Glacial Downpour and supporting trapped allies.
PYROMANCER his Fervor grants increased aspd & ms after casting fire spells. It also stacks minor damage on his spells/attacks.
TORTURER's change is simple. Agonizing bolds centers on the target pulling nearby enemies towards its center for 200 ms. Its does not bounce.
VOODOO JESTER his Mojo is an AoE version of Warlock's Shadow Word from DotA. It heals nearby allies and damage enemy units beside them if casted unto them.
WRETCHED HAG her Haunted spell directly affects her ultimate. Sonar Scream damages enemies beyond fog-of-war and hits cloaked units as well. Bat Blast will add Haunted (effect) depending on its skill level. Bat Blast and Haunted have different levels.
ACCURSED Sear lasts longer when Flame Consumption is active. His ulti activates even when silenced.
ARMADON's Restless stack is infinite. He can stack up as many as he can with Armadillo.
JERAZIAH Righteous Strike gives minor bonus damage, cleaves 50% of your attack and slows nearby enemies upto 5 seconds. This effect is triggered on attack. So pay attention when its on cooldown.
KEEPER OF THE FOREST the original Rooftrellen is kept the same. He has the original Eye in the Forest which is a more reliable ward than of DotA.
LEGIONNAIRE Terrifying Charge causes him to rush towards the target and deals more damage on a single attack. Enemies behind the target will lose 50% damage and 50% aspd.
PEBBLES his Slabbed Skin lowers negative buff duration and increases base armor. Enlarge will increase Stalagmites cast range and Chucks AoE damage.
PESTILENCE has Swarms that follow the targeted unit. Revealing and reducing its armor until it wears off.
TUNDRA's pet Coeurl shares Coldblooded effect. Increasing attackspeed per hit but halves after changing target.
*Listed only hero with dynamic changes
*Most heroes has a different theme but the concept is still the same
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