Sunday, November 28, 2010

Streetlight or Treelights?

Taiwanese researchers have found a way to make tree glow with sunnylight. The trees are implanted with gold nanoparticles that makes it leaves glow like the sun.

This is a good option to reduce the pollution on the street, reduce to much light and cause trees to absorb more Carbon Dioxide.

Ring Finger

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Halloween!

For now I'm taking a beak after medication. I'll update this blog after I get a job.

Keep in touch.

Monday, October 11, 2010

HON Footwear

You can have 5 unique upgrades to choose from:

GHOST MARCHERS a fast and easy to use choice for gank. Its Phased Effects allows the user to more freely from a band of creeps. It works great against creepblocking and chasing distances between casting a spell and escaping death.

STREAMBOOTS the viable choice for attacking heroes. Works best for blinker or allies with disabling effects. 

POST-HASTE as the name says it, is good for pushers and lane control. This item becomes popular during mid-game but think twice before getting it with a 2200 price tag. 

PLATED GREAVES one powerful item. Great for tanks and dps heroes. Sadly, the Plated effects works only for creeps. 

STRIDER the fastest speed booster in the game. It made initiating ganks or clash a lot easier than Ghost Marchers. Not recommended for dps (attacking) heroes because attacking, casting or using combat items will reset for 6 seconds. Taking any damage will also loose its speed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

GAMEBANE Items Changes in HON

S2 Gaming has introduced a fair number of changes to its predecessor. Other than a new set of heroes, its jam-packed with a nice set of alternatives covering the little gaps in DotA.

Lets start with…

Improved Items:


This item acts the same way as Soul Ring. It sacrifices 150 hp for mana but the Blood Chalice will drain 15 mana per second.
Unlike the Soul Ring, the Chalice has a bad side effect. Especially, when you are stunned or silenced during the effect. It’s a nerf!

Triva: Back in the old ages of DotA, Soul Ring acts as a mini-perseverance.


It has a definitive icon in the mini-map. So you won’t loose track of it. The sad thing is, it does not change its form. We can change…we should!




Its serves the same purpose as Yasha in DotA. It was named Slash during the beta days but got a make over when Frostbrand was added to Frostwulf Skull.
It also had a mix-up stat like +6 str and +10 agi. They reverted it back to pure Agi.

Evolved Concept:


This is Sange in DotA. Its a lot better because not all strength heroes attack fast enough to trigger the slow when its needed. It also allowed Frostwulf Skull to be more thematic! On beta days it was named Hack.




Removing the recipe from DotA was a smart move because the idea is to be a dual-wielded-sword of speed and slow.
It was called Hack-and-Slash. It had a unique recipe stat that I liked. Sadly, they retained the previous effect. It was an expensive item because of the recipe that cost 800-900 gold until it dropped down to 750. The item took a lot of time before it became useful. 
These swords were designed to cover the distance between melee and range.


This item existed when most intel heroes would get another Soulbooster after Aghanims Scepter (the old recipe Staff+Booster) and after sometime contemplating on the effects. It was poised to be an expensive attribute bonus!
Let me lay down the facts that led to its creation:

·        There are a lot of players getting Soulbooster
·        As a compounded item, it saved 2-3 slots from Nulls and Bracers
·        A lot of intel heroes have little to no HP. This difference can be observed at how fast your hero can die at the tower.
·        Often times, Intel/nukers despite being a great killer die pretty fast. The bonus heal compensates the team’s lost.
·        It also had an added effect of gaining vision and EXP.
·        The EXP gain was meant to help gankers cope up the gap between laning and roaming.
·        The bonus stat also benefited turtlers like Goblin Techies in DotA
·        The bonuses where good when you die with scrutiny

Lanes are left open for carries to fatten up and babysit them until they are good enough for clash.

Since it made most intel tanks. It takes half the number of charges and lowered its stats effect. From 1 charge per death.
Thanks to HON’s custom engine. It can add +25 HP and +0.25 hp/regen and +100% mana regene per charge.


Don’t be confused by the name. Its actually Force Staff in DotA. However, it requires an item called Major Totem not Steam Staff. 
Nice change for non-intels who find it useful. gamebane




It is by far the most effective item in game! The attributes of Heart of Tarrasque was to heal 2% of your max hp. That is, if your not attacked by player.
Other than the base 40 str and 300 hp boost. The Behemoth will give its effect depending on the heroes’ main stat.

  • Strength heroes get 0.75% of their max hp as regeneration
  • Agility heroes increase all their damage by 10%
  • Intelligence heroes increase cast speed and lowers cooldown by 15%

What an offer! It’s a must have for strength, optional for agi and situational for ints. Gamebane


It’s the Eye of Skadi in DotA. This is the worst item available! It has +25 all stats, 200 hp and 150 mana and a Frost attack at slows down enemies.
I consider it the worst item hence its not that powerful early or late game. The slow effect is not a choice for melee heroes because there is Frostbrand and the component are a jungle of ideas!
DotA included an item Orb of Poison (6.68) to its recipe making it more expensive than before! If that wasn’t enough listen to what HON did to this trainwreck.

  • It used to have the same 2 Orbs, Glowstone and a recipe in its components but shortly after this Hack became Frostbrand.
  • The mini Frostwulf is now popular amongst dps (killer) heroes
  • So instead of making the expensive 6300 item they opted for the easier and more useful F-and-F
  • The Frostbrand + Orb + Glowstone + Recipe is to abstract!
  • It is even ‘upgradable’
  • The cheap upgrade only gives minor stats. Ridiculous!

The slow effect favors melee but its not worth the price! The frost can be countered by jukespots. Heck, even the Frost armor works better than this!
There are far better orb-effects other than this. If you see this item that means the team is crappy enough to let you fool around flashin’ it.
It does stack with targeted spells.

The lackluster of the pack… HON is having a burn-out.
We should give them a break. Besides this is the only thing I found crappy. Lets wait and see.
Original Content:


This is a defensive type of boot. The damage reduction only works on non-hero allied units. It’s a good alternative for pusher or heroes with low defense.

Back in the Beta days, this use to wreak havoc on DPS heroes and made Armaddon and Zephyr untouchable.


Nukers and Spammers would love to have an ally with it! It’s the intel version of Vladmir’s Offering. It gives +14 int, +4 to agility and strength. Gives more armor and a 100% mana regeneration aura! The 25% of the initial mana cost heals the caster.

Sonic Scream cost 140 mana and 35 is the amount healed.

On full health, it will create a damage shield that lasts for 6 seconds. I highly recommend it for heroes who spam a lot. Ironically, its not listed as a recommented item in the shop’s list?!


This item made magic more dangerous. Acolyte’s Staff, Great Arcana and its recipe forms Harkon’s Blade! The cutting edge of intel heroes. 
It’s recommended for attackers like Puppet Master, Pyromancer, Plague Rider but not for Vindicator or melee ints. That if you have no orb-effects on your build.

  • When activated, it turns your attack into magic damage. It lowers the target’s magic resistance on each attack for 6 seconds.
  • You can attack heroes with Void Talisman
  • Creeps take full damage from magic. Good item for farming.
  • Damage improved depending on your base damage.
  • It deals more damage with Critical Strike, MKB and Thunderclaw
  • Its debatable whether it is affected by Shield Breaker
  • Heroes have 25% magic resistance gamebane
  • Doesn’t work against magic immune units
  • Its less effective on magic resistant heroes like Aracna and Barrier Doll absorbs 400 magic damage
  • Not recommended for heroes with low damage, magically resistant enemies and orb-effects.

It an awesome item but you might be wasting a lot of money, so keep it real.

They added a neat visual for refresher and display the items cooldown. It’s a lot easier to navigate the items. Once your use to it you’ll be playin’ game after game.

GAMEBANE Player Roles (RPG)

GAMEBANE Player Roles


CARRY gamebane


  • Their role is to lead the team to victory. Fending off enemy attacks and kill enemy heroes fast. However, most players mistaken the carry’s role as an attacker but others can fairly carry the game. gamebane

For example, Demented Shaman is not meant to be an attacker but the has abilities that would help the entire team to win it. He can cripple an enemy and support allies with ease.

  • Approach tag-teams cautiously. Most carries can kill a hero one-by-one. If assisted, they can reverse the outcome at the enemies’ expense.
  • These heroes can secure and even out clashes, stop the enemy advances and push lanes faster. A good carry will win a clash and proceed throughout the game.
·        Most team allows the carry to farm and score out while they secure the game until such time a player reaches its final/aggressive form.


There are two (2) types of support.

They initiate ganks, stop the enemies from escaping or killing you. Abilities that can stun, silence, slow etc. are great disables. It gives you enough time to attack or counter the enemy tactics.
Other spells reduce damage, accuracy and restrict movement.
Disabler counters your enemies.

  1. ENABLER gamebane 
They got buffs and heal to assist you. Positive buffs like damage, armor or speed boost can help you outlast the enemy. There are plenty of auras that help boosts your stats. The buffs make you stronger and lower damage taken.
Enabler stops them from killing you.

Curse Grounds enables your team to kill them faster. Whilst, special abilities like Cold Snap stops the enemy on its tracks.

  • Support roles are the most important off all. Babysit a carry for lategame, guard lanes and outfarm the opposing team. Ward the jungle to search for farming heroes, alert allies or sneak behind them.
  • Backed up by auto-attack and nukes is an agonizing routine they have to face. gamebane

ADVANCER gamebane

  • They can push lanes faster than an average hero. They can tower dive and tank damage. Block creeps and let your team push. Heal allies or clear out poor defenses.

Naga Siren, Furion, Exalor, Warlock or Hellbringer, Defiler, Legionnaire, Soulstealer, Nymphora are some heroes that can push lanes faster. 


  • Also know as Spammers, deals the most damage in the game. They can easily farm up items! Built to search-and-destroy they spend most of the time ganking and roaming. They’re huge advantage early game results in an earlier push.
  • Although, not built for lategame. Nukers own the game pretty hard. Spammin’ so quick with huge damage. Clearing out an area is such a breeze! gamebane
  • Any hero that can deal 300-600 damage per spam; farms faster, lane better and kill heroes more often. Even without they’re ultimates!
  • Nukers have expensive mana cost. Instead of casting an ultimate why not spend you nukes to kill them? The mana you saved up might be enough to survive ganks or counterattack.

Popular picks include Zeus, Gnoll, Nevermore, Pyromancer, Witch Slayer and Pebbles just to name a few.

Note: This does not imply that a hero (or player) is fixed on a certain role. With the immense availability of in-game items, as well as you teams line-up. Synchronize and get your situational items. It’s a lot easier to win if you can take advantage of your enemies’ weakness. gamebane

Pre-select and assess what your team lacks, counter the enemies’ advantage and pick the hero you can confidently use. There are times when the team would pick a detector against stealth, silence for spammers, babysitter carries, or disable tanks.

Pick wisely and have fun! Remember you play as a TEAM! gamebane  

Monday, September 20, 2010

GAMEBANE now on!

GAMEBANE is now posting on!

Find more fun, game details and many more at

GAMEBANE is now posting on!

Fore more continued posting go to

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Floyd Mayweather, Jr rants to Pacman

Floyd "Pretty Boy" Mayweather, Jr. made racial slurs to Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao saying that

"I'm on vacation for about a year, about a year. As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump. We ain't worried about that. So they ain't gotta worry about me fighting the midget. Once I kick the midget ass, I don't want you all to jump on my d---. So you all better get on the bandwagon now. ... Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother f----- make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice."

"At this particular time I don't know if I'm gonna fight again. As of right now, I truly believe I am gonna fight again, but as of right now I don't have the urge to get up. But when I do got the urge to get up, believe me my UStream and my Twitter fans will be the first to know, and when we do come back, we will kick 'Poochiao' ass. So I'll let the fans know. Don't worry, we'll kick 'Poochiao' ass. He's gonna take the urine and blood test."

"'Poochiao' got three losses and two draws and been knocked out twice," Mayweather said. "So, like I said before, once I beat him it's going to be a cakewalk and it's on to the next. ... We know Pacquiao made $6 million in his last fight and Floyd Mayweather made $65 million in his last fight. Three losses, two draws. Ohhh, hell no, this is America baby. We built on winning. Step your game up, f----t. ... That mother f----- Pacquiao, he can't speak no English. He never seen a contract he didn't like. Mother f----- signed with two companies [Top Rank and Golden Boy]. Look it up. And then this mother f------ with Nike only got 70 Gs. How stupid can a mother f----- be? Reebok gave me a million dollars for three weeks. I wore Reebok s--- for a week for a million dollars. ... This mother f------'s name is Emmanuel. He got a fake name, taking power pellets."

Pacman quipped that it was an uneducated message and he'd rather prepare for the upcomming battle with Antonio at the Cowboy's Stadium on November 13, 2010. This bout was settled after Mayweather, Jr. continuously denies fighting Manny Pacquiao.

Fans around the world wanted Mayweather, Jr. to fight Pacman but two negotations were already off. Last January they negotiated that both of them take random urine & blood samples tests before the fight but Pacman disagreed. On the otherhand, Pacman's team agreed to it citing that "if it really was the real reason why he declined" the fight. Mayweather's camp denied such negotiation has occured but Bob Arum and Ross Greensburg confirmed that there were actual negotations on both parties.

Critics say that this is brewed out of Mayweather's insecurity. Even if he has an undefeatable streak there is a big chance that Pacman would be the first one to defeat him. Since 2005, Pacman has never lost a bout.

Americans appealed to the Philippines that not every black american acts like Mayweather.

Two days after it was posted. Mayweather, Jr. apologizes for what he said earlier.

"I do want to apologize for what happened the other night. I want to apologize to everybody because everybody felt it was a racist comment that came from me. I don't have a racist bone in my body, you know."

"I love everybody. Some of my guys are Muslim. Some of my guys are Jews. Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, white, it doesn't matter. There's nothing but love in my heart, you know what I'm saying? So I heard this from a few people. The only thing I want to say is, if anybody who was affected by what I said the other day, I apologize as a man. I apologize.

"Forgive me for saying what I said. I was just having fun. I didn't really mean it. Nothing in a bad way. So let's stay on this roller-coaster ride and keep riding, baby. It's all love."

"To all the Manny Pacquiao fans, stand behind him, stand behind him. Even one day when we meet up and I beat him, I want him to believe in his self and believe in his skills, and I want him to believe he's going to win. Of course, he's supposed to believe he's going to win."

On his latest message, he still insists that Pacquaio is using performance-enchancing drugs and insisted that he's gonna beat Pacquaio when the time comes.

"God bless Bob Arum and his whole family, because I heard that Bob Arum's son had a bad accident," Mayweather said. "So it's all love to the whole Arum family. I wish you guys nothing but the best."

He also offered his condolences to Bob Arum. After his son was found dead on a hiking trip at North Cascades National Park. Sources says that the bad air between Bob and Mayweather, Jr. might be one of the reasons why the fight has yet to be made.
*excerpts from ESPN

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Temple of Porn

     This is a simple WC3 custom maze with a maze track and a check point. All you gotta do is to pass each level and reach the girls in the Temple of Porn! Warning: NSFW

Here are some things that you have to avoid. The sand is cursed and it will kill your knight if he steps on it. You sure want to get to those girls, huh?! Well there's no need to cheat. I'll tell you how to get there.

There are Soul Collectors roaming around in a significant pattern. Pay attention to their movements and you can outsmart this guys with ease.
There is a Goblin Merchant that sells good stuffs at affordable prices. Don't be fooled by that slogan. These goblins don't know how to sales talk.

Tasty Ham Dinner at 200 a piece it gives you 50 more HP. Now that's a mouthful!
Boots of Speed increases your movespeed.
Mechanical Critter summons a unit that can roam around freely. Its has a VIP pass.
Amulet of Swiftness at 800 gold its too expensive to get that Endurance Aura.
Sun Ring is the the most useful item in-game. It gives 150 hp and 75 mana, a brilliance aura and small hp/regen for the wearer!
Love Potion #9 its more expensive than a condom! it cost 1000 gold but it makes you invulnerable for 10 seconds.
Lucifer's Dagger of Escape its to expensive but comes in handy on difficult levels.

So start savin' your money.

Get at glimpse of the path your gonna take. The first two maze are the same. Avoid the blasts and stay away from the ghost. Its a piece of cake.
For the second path, you have to choose between the Green Guys or the Unholy Bookshelves. All of this leads to the same checkpoint. I suggest you pick the Draneis since its not to dense.
 Each time you finish a check point. All the towers stop attacking or die out. Just go to the warp area and skip the sand.

Before you continue to the third maze. You have to prepare yourself when the camera moves to the top. Its a birds eye view. The waves are synchronize. If its to difficult then use the dagger.
I would buy the dagger if I were you. This are is packed with Hammer Snowman and Soul Collectors. Act quick, don't waste your money for nothin'

Take refuge in the small area. Even if you use Love Potion stepping to the sand will send you back.
Cars follows the traffic lights. Step into the pavement to stop them on their tracks. Drink the potion and blink to the Temple of Porn! 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Aghanims Scepter

Here are the lift of heroes affected Undying, Earthshaker, Bane Elemental, Tormented Soul, Lord of Avernus, Night Stalker, Lich, Pandaren Brewmaster, Prophet, Crystal Maiden, Lord of Olympia, Vengeful Spirit, Juggernaut, Shadow Shaman, Venomancer, Sand King, Demon Witch, Faceless Void, Doom Bringer, Goblin Techies, Queen of Pain, Spiritbreaker, Oblivion, Necrolyte, Moon Rider, Slayer, Butcher, Holy Knight, Witch Doctor, Twin Head Dragon, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Clockwerk Goblin, Axe, and Windrunner

[GOOD] Aghanims on Demand

Rigor makes the most use causing Echo Slam to deal twice the damage!

Balanar its a legal maphack! Go get it and own like hell!

Lich the bonus bounce makes the most out of his ulti. If you can't farm Guinsoo fast enough then get this after Mekasm.

Shendelzare Silkwood spell it right! She is one of the few heroes that make Aghanims look great! The 10 second swap cripples your enemies' movement and gives her mobility during team clash.

Yurnero with the recent buff on Omnislash. He can use items while moving so use Blink dagger to exploit this effect. It also has a fancy graphic. Get it if they don't have Ghost Scepter and look good while Bladestorming.

Lesale Deathbringer fast cooldown with poison effect? With these on mind, Venomancer can help win clash with ease. Though it won't be that good against tanks and BKBs.

Squee, Spleen and Spoon is right on track! At mid-late game techies use is to mine/ turtle the game. No need for doubts, improved range lowers the risk of direct attack and the damage is enough to kill creeps to ease the wave.

Lina Inverse fantastic! Unlike Lion, her spells are fast and cheap. Even if it leaves a visible trail when blinking. Her recently buffed Light-Array Strike comes fast enough to stun the chasers.

Chen is the Holy Knight holyshit a mobile fountain! Nerf plz.

Dazzle negative 30 armor with a 10 seconds cooldown ratio? Epic indeed.

Kael QWERTYASDFGHJZXCVBN you'll be pressing all the keys on the keyboard. It works great in the hands of a pro but until you memorize all the hotkeys. Your better of playing DotA OMG.

[OK] Fair enough

Atropos an easy to build item for him. The 10% mana drain comes in handy against support heroes

Rylai don't rush this on her. She need Dagger or Force Staff asap! Get this after you got the core items. Should be the least priority coz' you can't spam this without getting a perfect spot.

Rhasta meh! He got nerfed after losing the trapping-ward but everybody wants that glossy-voodoo-blings on his hands. If placed properly they can deal some serious damage.

Darkterror we all know what happens when you get stun one more second. Even though its a life-and-death situation getting damage is a lot better than this. Just enjoy the cooldown perks.

Lucifer if Radiance is too expensive and Bracers are to cheap then your gettin' Aghanims.

Rotun'jere not good but not bad either. It makes it easy for him to kill but be careful with Linkens and BKB. I almost forgot, it turns this reaper into a cottonbud. Just sayin'

Vol'jin when he was release his Ward can attack all heroes it can reach. If you can't get Dagon in 20 minutes then Death Ward can finish 'em for you. You won't be so happy when your getting stunned. So throw those flask and stun them first.

[BAD] Not a Chance

Dirge doesn't need it. The damage amplification is not good for him. His better off getting support items rather than this.

Leshrac needs to focus on mana regeneration. He can decently farm out creeps with all his skills.

Abaddon he is a tank in his own right. Getting Aghanims on him is cowardly! Instead get either a Vanguard or Blademail. Borrowed Time doesn't last longand you can heal yourself even when its level 1

Mangix not really worth leveling. He needs to get enough mana to spam Thunderclap with Blink.

Furion don't waste your gold with this item. Get damage and attackspeed instead.

Zeus look at me I got a freakin' static field on my axe! If you think like that then your playin' pubs. He needs more life and mana to spam Static Field close enough to affect the enemies. If he survives long enough he can kill them one by one.

Crixalis what a ripoff! Get Shivas and Dagger instead it deals more damage than this shit!

Lion the clear line between Lina and him is shown by Aghanims. Your wasting 4300 gold to get a visual piece-of-shit. His spells are too expensive and slow to be pleased with the 'bonus' stats.

Queen of Pain what the fuck are you thinking?! This bitch needs Necromicon and Guinsoo to secure her ganks. Aghanims leaves a distinctive trail on where you at. This is the time where you regret having flashy-effects on her. Spend your mana wisely.

Barathrum if your thinking of mobility then get movespeed, for damage get Armlet, for tanking get BKB but for pubs get Aghanims. He can get 522 MS using Euls, BoT and Yasha. There is so much delay with Spiritbreaker so just keep waking.

Pugna ironicaly, this can only work if your still alive after ganks. It looses the cooldown but when some aims you their stun you die.

Luna Moonfang is it just me or I'm the only one getting this on her? She needs to focus for on damage and speed instead of an easily counterable Eclipse. I gotta admit I like the fancy moon beams. I used this build against Anubarak when he can burn my mana 260 per cast. I won so I'm happy with it :)

Pudge if your getting this as your first item. You'll realize that half of the time your either losing kills or getting killed. Get more hp/regen. You'll recover a lot faster and Flesh Heap is now retroactive. It doesn't even lower the cooldown.

Jakiro lets see... waste 440 mana on a least accurate ultimate. T-UP for pubs.

Huskar is a lost concept. His ulti deals 65% of the current HP as magic damage. BKB, HoD and Satanic will eat you out.

Twin-Headed Dragon too hard to aim. Dualbreath and Liquid Fire cooldowns fast enough. Better buy Guinsoo, Shivas, Necrominicon but not this.


Monday, September 6, 2010

How to play TTW?

     Tropical Tower Wars (TTW) is a tower-defense game focusing on maze builds. There are only two teams Top/Bottom. Each team sends creeps to the enemy ship until it reaches zero. Each builder has a unique sets of towers. The Necron race for example requires blight to build on, Wisp King doesn't require a food supplier.

Spiral Maze
Some of the towers cost space. Usually 1 but others cost 1.5 some 2 and the big ones take 3 slots. so be cautious at building your maze. You can take down creeps if you have a longer and more complex maze. You are limited to 60 food. This can grow bigger if your allies leaves the game and a food producing building is owned by you. The leaver's tower will turn into blocks. It does not attack but it helps in delaying massive creep waves.
     Send creep towards enemy lane. It'd be difficult for them to defend so mass creeps and coordinate with your team mates.

  • You take either the left, right or middle lane
  • The middle laner must be experienced
  • Your maze must allow the creeps to enter or else they attack
  • There are 3 building to help you in the game
  • Build a maze. The longer the better.
  • Each builder has its special attribute so pick carefully
  • Each creep sent increases your periodical income (-i)
  • You have 15 limit points per round 
  • Boss costs 15 limit points
  • Only the Wagon can give 1 life
  • Undefeatable cannot be killed (You have to block him)
  • You win if the enemies lives reaches zero (approx. 30 creeps)


TTW Developer is Retiring

Yes, the rumours are true. For those of you that didn't get the email, I (D3z) have officially decided to retire from my post as developer. In effect as of... a little while ago.

This is mostly because I no longer have the time to keep developing TTW and keep on with the other things I would like to do (so yes, this was influenced by Starcraft's release). TeBB has offered to take up the role, though, so all is not lost.

I must mention that you guys have been a great community to work with and I hope that you continue to be just that. I will likely be available to assist development here and there as required; but not in the same major way as I have previously done.

Its been great fun, but all good things must come to an end...

D3zmodos AKA D3z


Has Kids, Has Wife (Song)

     A woman found an intruder sleeping besides her. She attacked him but he escaped. The man interviewed is Antoine Jonson. Later after its report some guy on the net applied Auto-Tune with its chorus "hide our kids, hide your wife, you are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real" and became an instant hit!

     Yes, Its hide your kids not has kids, has wife but I prefer hearing it as "has kids, has wife, has kids, has wife" it sounds good.
gm cm dm 4x


Eb dm cm gm
Eb dm cm F dm F


he's climbin in your windows
he's snatchin your people up
tryna rape em so y'all need to
hide your kids, hide your wife
hide your kids, hide your wife
hide your kids, hide your wife
and hide your husband
cuz they're rapin errbody out here
you don't have to come and confess
we're lookin for you
we gon find you
we gon find you
so you can run and tell that,
run and tell that
run and tell that, homeboy
home, home, homeboy

we got your t-shirt
you done left fingerprints and all
you are so dumb
you are really dumb--for real
the man got away leaving behind evidence
i was attacked by some idiot in the projects
so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so
